Mobirise Web Site Maker

My pencil drawings (and other works) mainly deal with unconventional subjects and are presented here to amuse, abuse and confuse. If they are interesting in any way, my goal is fulfilled. I was first introduced to melting clocks in "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali back in grammar school. Dali was an intellectual, a philosopher and anti-conformist with the ability to mix a super realistic painting style with subliminal and outrageous images. That appealed to my impressionable, developing mind and still does to this day. I wanted to be outrageous too; what kid doesn't?  Don't get me wrong, beside Surrealism, I love all art genres, Realism, Impressionism, Dada, you name it, I dig it.  My favs include Van Gogh, da Vinci, Lautrec and Degas to name a few of the early masters.  Most of the drawings on this site were done during the 1970s (college years) through the late 1990s (playing around years).

My photography is a mixed bag. Part journalistic (representational), part fine art and part portraiture. My purpose in many of the photos shown here is just another way of looking at the same thing. The photos on this site are strictly digital and the early cameras produced smaller files, therefore have a maximum enlargement value before looking grainy (pixilated). All are as-is shots, unmanipulated by digital or other means other than minor color & contrast adjustments.


"The craftsman knows what he wants to make before he makes it.…The making of a work of art…is a strange and risky business in which the maker never knows quite what he is making until he makes it".

– R.G. Collingwood (1889–1943), English philosopher,
The Principles of Art (1938)